Sunday, July 2, 2006

Prague 2006

I'm not saying Czech Republic because we never left Prague. But when we did, I can say that I was never more happy to leave a place in my life. Everything about Prague made me uncomfortable, especially the people. The city was dirty, the people were unfriendly and as we were leaving, we saw a guy get the crap kicked out of him in public. The city did have some redeeming qualities though, like the ornate castle and Charles Bridge, which had the greatest busker I've ever seen, like the guy in Mary Poppins.
My second-most memorable World Cup story (after Berlin) happened in a basement restaurant in Prague. We were eating our Czech food (which wasn't bad, except for the spinach goulash that looked like someone had already eaten and digested it). We watched one of the semi-finals of the World Cup with a group of Dutchmen who were rooting against the Portuguese, who had knocked the Dutch out of the tournament. They convinced us to join them, but unfortunately Portugal prevailed over England on penalties.

The Castle in Prague. I forgot what it's actually called.

Does a mime texting count as cheating?

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