Friday, June 18, 2010

China - Day 0 - Leaving on a jet plane...

June 18
Today is the day. I can't tell if my feelings are nervousness or the coffee in my veins, but I'm giddy. I'm currently sitting in the United Red Carpet Club at SFO (thank you to Jordan and Sylvie for driving me to the airport at this ungodly hour), and I have mixed feeling about this place. On one hand, it is nice to have a quiet place to relax before the flight and I'm enjoying the complimentary wifi (I turned down the two complementary drink tickets, although given my nerves I'm thinking that may have been a mistake). On the other hand, the ambiance here is like a motel lobby and the lounge does not appear to have been particularly well maintained. Both power plugs at my seat don't work, but luckily the guy sitting across from me was kind enough to offer one of his ports. I board in 50 minutes; I'm scared and excited and ready to do this.

Here's the entrance on the first floor. Probably the nicest part of the Red Carpet Lounge.

The view from the departure lounge. A classic San Francisco summer morning.

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