Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oz Day 7, 8, 9 - Animals and Going Home

Last couple days we exhausted the interesting things going on in Sydney, so we visited the Wildlife World and the Aquarium. There was an amazing amount of animal life diversity there, so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

The flight home was among the worst I've ever had. I was sitting in Economy, which had even less leg room than I remember. I spent the entire 13 hour flight with my knees in the seat in front of me or standing in the aisle while the very polite Canadian couple next to me went to the bathroom. It's a good thing I didn't try to sleep that much, because that would not have been remotely successful (and when I did try to, it wasn't). Luckily, my laptop lasted long enough for me to watch 2 movies, so I watched Hamlet 2 (had it's funny moments, but seemed to be trying too hard) and 3 Fast 3 Furious (utter garbage, but I like cars and I have to get caught up for 4 Fast 4 Furious). All in all, I'm glad to be back.


A Crocodile

Huge Ants

A Baby Koala (awwww)

This duck isn't moving for anything

Oh sign writers, you're so funny

Oh shit! A shark

Oh shit! A turtle!
SE Asian Restaurants: 6
Page in Blink: Still 98

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