Travis, Jordan and Myself roadtripped from Friendswood, TX to Palo Alto, CA by way of Austin, El Paso, Phoenix and San Diego. Assorted memories: The Cherries, getting Travis' high school friends to call him Teej, having my manhood challenged in Juarez. meeting lots of new people, seeing casa del deano, eating at freebirds, the first In n Out on the border of California/Arizona, swimming in the pacific (and jordan being afraid of the ocean). Ah memories.
Muggin' at Kemah. Jordan and I often confuse ourselves for Sharks
It seems as if Dean needed some convincing.
At the Williams Tower. This waterfall is awesome. Those guys aren't bad either.
Fake me at the Fwood football game.
Me and my boy Jefferson (or as they call him in Texas, Jeff) Davis at UT. Hook em' horns.
For all my vegetarian friends.
Bull fighting (at least I hope it's fighting) ring in Juarez.